Kosciuzsko Equipment

Our gear list:
  1. A Bottle of good Australian wine,
  2. A nice lunch to go with it,
  3. Hiking boots, but do not to overdo it, really. Ankle support is up to you – the track is not extreme. Personally I prefer soles with medium stiffness that offer good grip, but do not have that “wooden” feel. I find it less tiring. My boots of choice were SALOMON Elios. Worked perfectly.
  4. What to wear depends on the season. But mind the wind! On the top of expected wind-chill it may also bring clouds and change conditions faster than you expect + it may rain. A light membrane-water and wind-proof jacket is probably a good idea. Remember layering and the rest you will figure out! I think even very basic pants (shorts in summer) will do. I go by the rule – if feet are comfortable and torso is warm, a bit of cold and wet in the legs area will not spoil the mood. At least not in a few hours time.
  5. A map and a compass. It may get foggy unexpectedly. Then you would thank God for having a compass, especially if you prefer tracks less walked.
  6. Yeah, water… either carry it with you or take empty bottles and UV or chemical purifiers – there are plenty of streams around.

On a different note – I have already mentioned my climber friend who turned back due to bad weather. That was a very wise decision. He also said that with a proper gear (like a Gore Tex shell, warm layer, a hat and mittens) he wouldn’t have had to retreat and may have had a pleasurable adventure instead. So, have a plan B!


Find out more about Kosciuszko:

Intro Route Equipment Training

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